The Mosque

The history of the Izhevskaya Sobornaya Mosque begins in the 19th century. It was then that Tatars began to come to the Izhevsk factory to work at Izhevsk armoury factory and settle in a separate settlement.

The history of the Izhevskaya Sobornaya Mosque begins in the 19th century. It was then that Tatars began to come to the Izhevsk factory to work at Izhevsk armoury factory and settle in a separate settlement.

Since the faithful Tatar communities could not imagine life without a mosque, the question arose about its construction. The first namaz was read in the mosque on November 2, 1846.
During the persecution of religion in the 30s, Muslims were offered to dismantle the mosque and build it in another place, not far from the Tatar cemetery, which was located on the outskirts of the city, modern Azina Street.

Today, everyday services, Friday and holiday services are held in the building of the mosque, the basics of Islam are taught. There is a children's school at the mosque. It also houses the Regional Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Udmurtia. In 2016, another mosque was opened in Izhevsk in the city center. The capacity of the Central Mosque is 1500 people.

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"The Mosque"
